Create With CC Featured Image

CreateWith.Net Brand Identity

Create With CC is a digital creative hub that supports emerging digital product development.

My task was to create and develop a brand identity with supporting collateral that included a 1 minute animated explainer video, illustrations, brand assets, icons and a responsive landing page.

Create With Brand Identity
Create With Brand Identity

The Concept:
Because Create With CC is a company responsible for incubating, nurturing and facilitating software development projects, I used the beehive and honeycomb analogy to encapsulate this objective. 
All other brand elements such as icons and illustrations created to support this core concept.

Brand Elements and Iconography
Brand Elements and Iconography

The 1 minute video I created is shown below:

Finished vector artwork character profiles
Finished character shown in various poses.
Nosi Illustrations


Style guides and prop artwork created and used in all the collateral.
Character Design sketches
Character Design sketches
Video storyboard.
Create With Net Homepage Design
Create With Net Homepage Design
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